Monday 16 October 2017

None Dare Call It Treason Trump Family

By Arthur Burns

Everyone who experienced the emotional and brutal United States presidential election of 2016 will probably remember it for the rest of their life. Without a doubt, this election will go down in history forever, but not everyone is at an agreement about what will define both this election and even the Commander in Chief's presidency. Ongoing investigations into collusion with Russia bring interesting connections from the book None Dare Call it Treason Trump to the current president.

Disloyalty comes in many forms, and there are a number of different words for it. However, in legal terminology, word choice is everything, and it can make all the difference for what a particular crime actually is. The crime of treason is specifically when a person levies war against the United States, so it means colluding with a country that they are at war with. These are very specific requirements.

There are several instances in which the current president has used certain tactics which were most likely learned in show business to distract from certain serious issues in his administration. These techniques are ways of guiding the public's attention away from certain things, and with the pace of the news today, it is very easy to do so.

Opposition research is a perfectly normal thing in many different trades and professional industries, including in the world of politics. However, it is highly irregular for such information to come from a foreign power. That is why the actions of the current administration are being called shameful.

The current administration had previously claimed that no meeting had occurred between his administration and the Kremlin. They also said no exchange of information occurred. However, this was proven to be untrue when a meeting on June 9th, 2016, was confirmed to have happened between his two sons, Paul Manafort, and an official for the Kremlin.

After the June meeting was confirmed to have occurred, the administration shifted its claims by saying that the meeting happened but it was not successful. It is hard to tell if this is true or not because of the previous mistruths of the administration. Therefore, further examination of these claims has continued.

Following the revelation about the meeting, Donald Jr.'s emails were investigated. In these emails, there was no information that confirmed the lack of success of the meeting with the Kremlin. This has caused the investigation to continue.

When two people tell a story of what happened and the stories do not line up, the common assertion is that one or more of them is lying. This is the case with the sons of the president. Their accounts of Donald Jr.'s emails and the meeting with the Kremlin do not match up. It is for this reason that many believe that there is more to this story than is being told, and time will tell as the investigation continues what all happened between this administration and Russia.

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