Tuesday 6 November 2018

Learning About Egyptian Mau For Sale

By Christine Lee

Cat fanatics who are impressed by exotic looks should go for Egyptian Mau. The reason is that the feline is one of the two domesticated cats that are naturally spotted The other naturally spotted domestic cat is the Bahraini Dilmun Cat. What it means when they say naturally spotted is that humans did not manipulate the genes of the cat to produce their spotting pattern. The cats can be differentiated from other breeds by their spots and stripes. This is worth learning about Egyptian Mau for sale.

Although their name suggests that they have their origin from Egypt, it is not clear where they came from. For example, other evidences suggest that they are descendants of the African wild cat. On the contrary, analysis from DNA tests show that they originated from Europe. Actually, it is indicated by some phylogenetic tree that they have their origin from western-derived strains.

The modern-day Egypt has very many spotted cats. This further complicates the question surrounding the origin of this breed. On the contrary, Maus share more than just casual resemblance to kitties like the Turkish Angoras, Korat, and Maine Coon. Moreover, Maus and the abovementioned western cat breeds have a close genetic resemblance.

One aspect that is clear is that the Maus are rare because of their beauty. This is regardless of their place of origin. They look like miniature jungle cats with their spotted bodies. Their bodies are slender and muscular, with slightly different metabolism, anatomy and behaviors. For example, the anatomical distinction lies in their legs. Compared to their hind limbs, they have slightly shorter front legs.

The other anatomical difference is that they have a skin fold underneath their bellies. The skin fold is similar to that found in cheetahs and enables them to run faster by stretching back farther. This is what enables them to such fast runners. They are the equivalent to greyhounds in the feline world since they are the fastest.

These cats are great climbers and jumpers as well. Therefore, if one has one, they should invest in tall cat trees. They also become very active when involved in games like fetch. They find it enjoyable sitting in laps when they are not playing. They are fiercely devoted and loyal. This means that they find it enjoyable to spend time with humans. However, they tend to love one particular family member than others.

Early socialization is necessary since these cats tend to love one family member more. Socialization is also important for them to warm up to other pets and people. Although they are peaceful and calm, they are good hunters, which makes it important to be careful with other pets like birds and hamsters. Socialization can help with the hunting instinct.

Finally, one can tell easily when they are happy. This is shown by them rapidly swishing their tails, kneading their front paws, and chortling quietly. They are also somehow sensitive to changes in temperature, medication and anesthesia, but they thrive in warm temperature. Their gestation period stretches up to 73 days. This is longer compared to the normal 65-67 days of gestation exhibited by most breeds.

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