Saturday 24 August 2019

Helpful Tips For People With Disabilities To Cope

By Sarah Bennett

Disability from birth, as a results of an accident or disease can be devastating. A lot of people view it as the end of their happy living. Unknown to many of them, there are numerous ways of dealing with disability and still enjoying a full life. Here are Helpful Tips for People With Disabilities that will change their perspective of life and their condition.

Emotional adjustment is a crucial starting point. It forms part of acceptance of your condition so that you can take positive steps towards recovery. A person who adjusts emotionally avoids regrets or comparing him or herself with other normal people. He or she will begin a positive and inspiring life regardless of severity of his or her condition.

Educate yourself about your disability. There is something unique about each condition such that two blind persons have different destinies. For instance, one may be reversible while the other is permanent. One may come with diseases and infections while the other does not. You will understand what you can do in your present condition and the limits you cannot cross. It helps you adapt a realistic lifestyle.

Focus on the present situation instead of regretting or wishing you lived in the past. Reviewing the past only results in wastage of emotions, time and resources. You enter into a pity-party cycle such that you miss the opportunities around you. You will only end up depressed and fail to achieve your full potential.

Take time to grieve while still struggling to remain positive. It is impossible to accept such an unfortunate situation without inner pain and regrets. However, do not allow the grief to stay for too long. Begin to look for the good in the present situation. Be conscious to stop yourself from slipping into sorrow.

Enlist the help of people around you to overcome the challenges you will be facing. Friends, relatives, peers and community members are very willing to help. Their help should be towards attaining independence. They help you find crutches, learn braille or acquire a wheelchair, among other adjustment measures. Organizations supporting persons with disability will also come to your aid. They shorten the time it takes to adjust and make your life easier.

Joining a support group is one of the best moves you will take. It helps you to share your experiences, disappointments and triumphs. You will also learn of opportunities that are still available to people with conditions that are similar to yours. Attend group therapies and activities. You realize that there are persons facing more difficult conditions and are still maintaining that positive attitude.

Endeavor to live a full and enthusiastic life. This is a conscious decision that you have to make. It involves building a support group around yourself, taking advantage of government incentives and still pursuing the dreams you had in mind. The society is today very supportive to disabled persons.

Make your decisions and choices as realistic as possible. Recognize that your abilities have changed. By adjusting your expectations, you will be more fulfilled. Pursue happiness by living within your means instead of comparing yourself to friends and peers. Push your limits every day to see how much more you can achieve.

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