Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Characteristics Of Educational Reform In The Middle East

By Raymond Ward

There are certain stages in life that a person must pass. When a kid is growing up, they should be undertaken through learning institutions so they can gain knowledge. The schools will teach them things which are applicable in their life during the educational reform in the middle east. When one has been taught, it reaches a point when they must be tested whether they understood what they were taught. An examination is set for them which they are supposed to reach a certain percentage for them to be said they have passed their examinations.

It is important for students to be shown other things and activities that they should do. This is because the institution should an all round student. They should be given time to play different games. This shall make them to relax and break the monotony of reading. When they get back to their classes, they shall be fresh people who will be ready to study and pass their tests.

This shall make them not to be able to respond to any question which may be asked to them by the examiners. If they fail to satisfy the board of examiners, then they will have to repeat the same subject until they pass it. The institutions should not produce students who are not fully competent in the field. This will make them to render services which do not meet the quality which is set.

There is an examination fee which is supposed to be paid by every student. The fee is meant to facilitate the printing of the papers. Most students have a challenge of attaining that money. When they lack to pay the fee, they will not be allowed to sit for their papers. This shall make them to be left behind by their other classmates.

The exam dates must also be set and known to everyone. This shall help them to get prepared for the forth coming exams. They will be fully prepared and hence the people will not fear the papers. The individuals will be determined to pass them and go to the next level. It is very simple to pass the tests and it is also very simple to fail the tests as well.

If a person does not understand the question, they are going to fail their exams. No one would like to fail because most of their time will be spent in school. This may make them to be ate to start their career ad hence they will earn while the individuals are very old.

A person should have all the required materials for them to carry out their activities. When one does not have all the tools that are required, they will not be able to achieve their goals. A person should gather all the necessary information from reliable sources that will help them to tackle the questions.

The people who mark the papers are very skilled. They use their own discrete judgment to know whether the person has passed the questions or not. They should be fair while they are marking for their students.

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