Thursday 15 June 2017

Merits Of Davis Bacon Projects

By Donald Clark

The construction industry is not an easy industry to work in. It is both tiresome and dangerous. It however remains as a necessity for the whole world. This means the workers in the industry play a vital role. Therefore, there is a necessity to make sure that they are well looked after. This is why the Davis Bacon projects are so vital. It mainly aims to ensure an hourly wage payment for mechanics and workers doing local public works.

The act was named after its founder James J. Davis. He served three American presidents as the Labor Secretary. In addition, he was also a senator in the state of Pennsylvania. His act was passed in congress by President Hoover in early 1931. The act made it necessary for all contractors on assisted contracts or federal funded in some particular excess, pay the workers a prevailing wage. This had a great number of benefits to the workers. Some of those benefits are.

The whole prevailing work system works on the concept of more work for pay. This would make the construction workers to benefit the most out of the whole project. They would work harder and safer to ensure that they gain optimal capital gain. Working harder would ensure that everybody is doing their part to the best of their capabilities. On the other hand, working safer would ensure that all workers remain safe and uninjured in order to continue working efficiently. Compiling these factors should make for a better and more conducive work environment. This would see the workers gain a better and happier life.

To the employer, they would reap the advantages of having a happier work force. Having skilled employees due to good pay will enhance their business as a whole as more people will see their work. This will lead to more jobs and more money. This will enable their business to expand faster and impact more people.

Most of the public amenities are constructed using tax money. This means they are the real employers. It would make these people happy to see that their money is being put to a good use. They are bound to feel a lot better about paying them, once they find out that they make the life of a fellow citizen better.

The whole national income is will benefit from this. More employment opportunities meaning more cash will circulate. This money provides a new source of taxation money. From this the whole economy is likely to benefit.

Finally, the community as a whole is also bound to gain the benefits. They will enjoy the benefits of having a skilled and hardworking construction workforce. This would mean more social amenities such as public schools can be put up at faster rates. There would also be some job security that is bound to reduce crime and improve productivity of the whole community.

The some of the merits a whole society can gain from such programs have been highlighted above. This shows that congress has to be careful while passing acts.

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