Tuesday 28 November 2017

Find Organic Chebe Product Recipes

By Donald Long

Chebe is a seed from a shrub that grows all over Africa. An organic Chebe product, however, is one of a line of grain-free, gluten-free food mixes. The mixes are based on manioc flour and starch. Manioc is also known as yucca and cassava. A more familiar name for the starch from this plant is tapioca.

The folks who started the Chebe company stress that they weren't trying to market a wheat alternative line of products when they started. They simply wanted to let North America know about the wonderful bread they had eaten in Brazil. However, they received an overwhelming response from gluten-intolerant consumers who were tremendously thankful to find such a delicious gluten-free bread. The company founders realized they had found a market niche.

Manioc (yucca, cassava) is a root vegetable that was a primary food for the indigenous peoples of Brazil and surrounding areas. It can be bought as a tuberous root, with a tough, brown skin and a snow-white flesh. The root contains some toxins; native peoples washed the roots before making their flour and used the wash residue to poison their arrow tips. Most consumers will be far better off getting one of the popular mixes from the folks at Chebe, with everything needed to make breads and other baked goods.

These products can be found in grocery stores, in the gluten-free section. For a complete list of products, visit the company website. The original bread mix contains only manioc flour and starch, cream of tartar, and sea salt. The mix makes a great-tasting loaf with a good crumb and texture.

The bread mix has manioc flour, manioc starch, sea salt, and cream of tartar. Other mixes have added ingredients, often spices. The pizza crust contains onion, the focaccia has cheese, and the cinnamon roll mix is sweetened.

For those who suffer from gluten-intolerance and who've given up baked goods and bread, these mixes are a godsend. Being gluten-free, they don't trigger the cramping, bloating, or intestinal discomfort that comes with eating wheat or other grain products. However, they offer a true bread taste that is rare among substitution foods.

Best of all, the mixes are super convenient and very affordable. Consumers know that many wheat alternatives are expensive and hard to work with. These mixes are easy to use, and the basic recipes easy to follow. Consumers have sent in many more, too, so look on the company homepage for new ideas. They are also great when relatives with food sensitivities visit; keep the mixes on hand for those special times over the holidays or for impromptu pizza parties. It's no fun when someone is left out of the great American pastime, eating!

It's wonderful that the mixes are organic, too. This means that they are free of GMO ingredients, pesticide and herbicide residue, and -traces of chemical fertilizer. Your purchase helps support sustainable agriculture and protect farm workers from chemical toxins. Enjoy baked goods again and live green!

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