Monday 24 September 2018

What Does The Maryland Libertarian Party Stand For

By Carolyn Wagner

The United States is so politically divided today that many people have stopped behaving rationally. The level of discourse is so poor, and negative reactions so high, the future of the country seems at stake for many. What the majority of Americans will agree on is that the business of the people is not getting done. Both the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress have abysmal approval ratings. The Maryland Libertarian party, for one, hopes this is a chance for them to gain ground and push the agenda they espouse.

The majority of Americans do not really know what Libertarians stand for or who they are. Even those who think they know a little about Libertarians usually have most of it wrong. The centerpiece of Libertarianism is individual freedom. They are in favor of limiting the power of the federal government. Libertarians don't want politicians inserting themselves in their lives.

This group is not interested in Republicans who believe they can legislate morality. They aren't interested in Democrats who believe in subsidizing the underprivileged with their money. Libertarians advocate for legalization of drugs and free trade. They are not in favor of campaign finance reform.

On social issues Libertarians are liberal. They're strong believers in personal choice. The group doesn't think the federal government has any business deciding who consenting adults can marry or formalize relationships with. They don't think individuals charged with drug possession and use should be prosecuted because Libertarians consider these offenses victimless crimes. They believe the capital punishment should be put on hold indefinitely.

Libertarians are economic conservatives. They don't believe in regulation and think businesses should be left alone to compete freely with one another. If this group had its way, it would eliminate Social Security, income taxes, and the Internal Revenue Service. They are convinced that, in a free market society, individuals will contribute to charitable organizations that will see to the needs of America's under served. This will eliminate any government bailouts.

There is not uniform agreement within the party when it comes to the matter of abortion. Several years ago, they had a platform that stated the federal government should stay out of a person's individual decisions on this issue. In the past year the group has become more centrist. They have a proposed plank stating that it is not the taxpayer's responsibility to bear the expense of a personal decision. They do believe the regulations restricting access to non-prescription contraceptives should be eliminated.

Libertarians are isolationists when it comes to foreign policy. They do not believe the armed forces of the United States should be used for anything but national defense. They would not deploy any military branch to any other part of the globe for any reason. They do not think the United States should be in the business of policing foreign nations.

Libertarians do not believe in giving foreign aid. They would eliminate any security clearances that restrict access to information they believe American citizens have a right to. The Libertarian Party is non-interventionist, economically conservative, and socially liberal.

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