Saturday 17 August 2019

Why You May Miss The Glass Engineer Job You Expected To Get

By Marie Scott

After submitting your resume to HR the other thing you were waiting for is the position that you have been eyeing. Unfortunately, the response is not positive and you are wondering why and your qualifications fit the description that was advertised. There are various reasons that may make you miss the appointment. The following are some of the things that can stand between you and your next job making you miss your next position as the Glass Engineer in your company.

Knowing what caused the miss up may help you in making all the necessary adjustments to make sure you do not miss the position next time. It is always advisable to read all the requirements carefully to make sure you qualify before you forward the application. It is possible to have the qualifications but miss on small details that provide the opportunity for the job.

At times the HR may also advertise a position they very well know that they are not going to offer any time soon. The reason is that they want to make it look like the company is still moving in the right direction even when they are not hiring any more. That is a game played by HR and may make you not get the job you thought you would get because the possession is not even there.

Many times companies are comfortable to get one of their own to take up a job in the same organization. If you send your application and the position is eyed by many even those who are in the organization, chances are that they will get the priority. That will make you not get the position even when you have all that it takes for you to get the job.

Sometimes when you find that the organization you desire is looking for some tiny details that may not be in your resume then that could cost you the position. That may mean that even though you qualify, the small details are lacking in your resume and therefore they will go for the one with full information that they want. Looking for everything the company wants before applying will save you the anxiety of not getting the position you thought you qualify to get.

Your impression on the interviewer is very critical. Another reason why the company may not have considered you may because you did not impress them. Even when you have all the qualifications you need for a job, it is important to make sure that are courteous, kind to the interviewers and also portray professionalism during the interview when you are many people who qualify for the same position, a small mistake can cost you the job.

Another thing that can make you not get the job you were thinking of is because you were over-qualified. If the job you are applying for is lower than your qualifications, the HR may decide to hire someone who is less qualified so that they can manage their expenditure.

Sometimes a firm may be going through some restructuring, making it impossible to add some more employees. That means in case they get to that level before you are through even if you have gone through their interview process, you may have to wait for some time till the restructuring is over.

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